21. June 2017
The story of this project began back at the end of my second year of fashion school, when I was out to buy fabric for the final pattern-making and sewing exam.
That was around this time of year, in 2013. That's a long time ago.
I did buy the fabric I intended to buy, but I also found this gorgeous cream and beige striped silk, that was on sale and I fell in love. Who can blame me?
Mind you, back then I had made one proper historic costume for myself and had started another that got...
29. May 2017
During the Costume Design course I took at ifs Cologne in 2014/2015, probably my favourite class was the costume reproduction class.
My 8 classmates and me each picked a (historical) movie that centered around the topic of love triangles and chose a costume from it to reproduce.
The movie I ended up choosing was "The Duchess", directed by Saul Dibb and starring Keira Knightley in the lead.
I chose it for one because I LOVE 18th century fashion, that has been my favourite silhouette for...